Rubus procerus / ROSACEAE Rose
Other Common Names: R. procerus: Himalaya Blackberry
Description: Rubus: Shrub or bush-like perennial, trailing or climbing, thorned
or smooth; leaves simple and lobed to
compound; fruit, a berry, generally in
multiple drupelets. R. procerus: Bushy, large, dense clusters; stems stout,
multiple, arching, thorned, up to 10 m long; leaves divided into 3 or 5
leaflets, sharply toothed, 1.5-3.5 cm; fruit, black when mature.
Location: Rubus: Found throughout North America, generally in uncultivated and
burn areas. Their habitat is extremely varied.
Season: Blooms in spring and early summer; fruit late summer and autumn.
Edible: Young shoots in spring; berries ripen in late summer and autumn.
Preparation: The young shoots can be cut just above the ground, peeled and eaten
raw or cooked. Beginning in late summer the berries of most species are
available. The berry can be eaten raw, boiled down to a syrup, squeezed for
juice, cooked with stews or made into preserves, pies, and even wine. Leaves can
be dried and used to make a tea substitute.
Notes of Interest: Noted for its sweet delicious taste. The berries and root
have medicinal properties useful for treating diarrhea.
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